Monday 24 October 2016

Have an intimate relationship with God

Have an intimate relationship with God

By Teboho Masakala (C)

The is nothing more joyful, exciting and moving like having a personal relationship with God, experiencing him on a personal level and knowing that you can pour your heart to him.  Some people may prefer to have personal relationships with their spouses or parents but choosing to have an intimate personal relationship with God is the best ever.

When you are intimate with God, you can hear him, feel him and can run to him whenever the odds are against you. He can be the first point of contact when you want to talk. Many people know about God but only few have a personal relationship with him. Many want blessings, cars, financial breakthrough or whatever they can get from God but few wants to experience him on a personal level and get to know him more and more as a true living Father, Mightier than ever.

When you have a relationship with God, he comes in your heart and you develop a strong bond with him. So much that you come to realize that he is the father you have always wanted, a father more protecting and loving than the earthly ones. You will never feel sorry in your heart or see misfortune in your life when you have a strong intimate relationship with God.

Our Father doesn’t want more from us, he just  want us to give our hearts to him. He wants all of us to see heaven and be with him and how great it is to start now to experience him on a personal level!!. Asking for blessings from God is not bad nor wrong but for once, just put that aside and tell him that you want to know him, experience him, feel him and see him in a way you have never imagined.

Jesus had a strong relationship with our Father and we too should strive to be like Jesus and copy the strong relationship he had with his Father. You will never worry when God is in control, you will sleep like a baby knowing that he is in control. Knowing that your life is in his hands. Have a personal relationship with God, you will never regret your decision. It is the best ever to make.

By Teboho Masakala

Copyright: Teboho Masakala

Photocredits: Ministry to and

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