Monday 2 October 2017

Make Time for God

 Make Time for God

By Teboho Masakala

If the is one thing that we don’t have most of the time. It’s TIME! We get so busy with our daily lives that we don’t make time for our Creator.  We get so caught up with our daily lives, work, business, family or whatever that takes a big chunk of our time that we forget that we must make time for God.
No matter how busy we can be, we must make time for God. Time is what most people don’t have as they are mostly pre-occupied but however since some people may have little time, it is important to make it.

If we can make time to visit a sick relative at a hospital, attend a funeral or a wedding, surely we can make time for God. If we can divide our time for our spouses, children and work, surely we can also make time for God.

God knows that we have to make a living and chase our dreams. However he wants us all to himself, he wants us to give him our hearts. How many times in a day do you make time to pray, read the bible and thank God?

Do you make time for God or only need him when you are in trouble or suffering? Don’t remember God only in times of need but do make time for him. Our lives will always be busy but that is not an excuse to not make time for God.

Spending time with God is really precious, you can hear God and converse with him as he is your loving and caring father.

If you have a hectic schedule, spend an hour with God or whatever time you can make for God. God loves you. For once, forget about how busy you are or a deadline to meet, think about God and all he has blessed you with.

Remember how you prayed when you needed God and how he made time to help you and answer your prayers. So it is important that you find time for God, look at the time you make for others and ask yourself if you are doing the same for God.

If you can sacrifice taxi money to spend time with family and travel long distances, what’s stopping you to sacrificing for God and make time for him?

Life is short. You don’t know how long you will live, make time for God. If you don’t have it, find it and use it. Make time for the Creator of heaven and earth.

By Teboho Masakala (C)

Friday 14 July 2017

Create Your Own Happiness

Create Your Own Happiness

By Teboho Masakala (C) 

Mr and Mrs Masakala (#Team Masakala)

Create your own happiness! You cannot rely on people to make you happy when only yourself knows the kind of happiness you want. We waste too much of our precious time trying to fit in with wrong crowds just to be happy.

If it’s not that, we go all out to make other people happy, hoping buying their happiness will make us feel better but nope, it doesn’t while in fact it shows what length desperation can make us go just to be happy.

Other people even impress their boyfriends and girlfriends in search of happiness thinking that will free them from the chains of sadness and be accepted by those they are trying to impress but that in turn does more harm than its intended purpose.

Why can’t we see that only we can create our own happiness? If we don’t no one else will. Create your own happiness wherever you are and don’t wait for people to do that for you because that comes at a price if you allow them.

Who said you can’t be happy on your own and need people to be? Life is too short, you need to be happy.

Appreciate the little you have: Appreciate the little you have and be content with your life. Don’t try too hard to impress people but let what you have satisfy you. Asking for help sometimes can invite enemies in your life. The little you have can bring happiness if you are content with what you have.

Mind your own business: What other people does or say doesn’t concern you at all. Forget about them and focus on your own life and how you can reach your dreams. Being in other people’s life and affairs can derail your own life resulting in you being caught in unnecessary drama. Learn to keep your mouth shut and also learn to say no. Saying no can save you. Minding your own business can bring happiness as you won’t be caught in other people’s drama.

Money:  No matter the little you have, use it to be happy, go on a tour, cruise or throw a party. Take a tour and see the beauty of our country. You don’t need billions to be happy, it’s not how much you have that counts, but what you do with what you have.

Save a little every month and after saving enough, do what you have always wanted with your money. You work hard for your money, let it bring you happiness! Reward the body that works hard for it.

The Bible: The Word of God will give you peace and strength. Read it whenever you are feeling down. It will rejuvenate your spirit.

Music: Music can heal and soothe a broken heart. Playing your favourite song can ease or remove stress. It can change your emotions and comfort you when you are down. So go ahead and play music and see how it can change your life, when you are sad play a song that will heal you.  In your car sing along to the words of the song as by so doing you can relieve tension and stress.

Family: Spend time with your family. Cook a good meal, invite them over and reminisce about the good old days while growing up. They can make you laugh and help you bond with your family.

Negativity: Bad company corrupts good character. Stay away from negative people, they will hold you back. Surround yourself with “like-minded people”, people who have same ambition and dreams as you. A Lion walks with Lions and not with cows.

Create your own happiness.

By Teboho Masakala (C)

Monday 12 June 2017

What happened to love?

What happened to love?

By Teboho Masakala (C)

Inspired by Mr Thami Kankalane and Prophet Michael Voyiya

“If I speak in tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others. It is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails” 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

If the is one thing that truly proves that we care for one another is love. Love covers all. We live in an era where our love for our fellows brothers and sisters has  depleted. It has been substituted with hate, instead of showing love we do the opposite.

In our everyday life we come across needy people, poor people who needs our help but instead of helping them, we either complain, laugh or totally be ignorant. If a friend, family or anyone who might need our help, instead of buying them shoes, food or whatever they need, we turn a blind eye and act like we don’t care because it doesn’t affect us.

 Instead of helping, some gossip unashamedly so. Some get irritated while some don’t care. When you see a brother or sister needing clothes or food, instead of complaining or gossiping about their state, rather go buy what that person lacks or need instead of speaking bad about them.
When you help, help out of love and don’t do it for Facebook likes or to be respected by people. Let love be the thing that motivates you to help others.

We see people helping the less fortunate not with good intentions but to parade them on social media and to get praise forgetting that those people they are parading are human beings with feelings who don’t appreciate the state they find themselves in but because of their background they have to accept what they are given not because they want but because they need them.

If you give out of love, let it be between you, God and the people you are giving to without inviting the whole world. By so doing you let love reign and show that you care for the person you are helping.  Show love not only to your immediate family but to every living being. When you help someone, take that as an investment that will help you in future or your children. 

Do not complain when you help people because love does not complain. Its patient and kind. The person you helped today might help you tomorrow. The way you showed love and generosity to them is a seed which will grow to help you or others. Even if it might not be you being helped, someone will benefit from that seed of love you planted when you helped.

People are bound to make mistakes and offend you as many times as they can but do not keep a record of their wrongs but forgive them. Show love through forgiveness, doing so you free yourself from holding on to pain and freeing the person you are forgiving. Love forgives and doesn’t keep record of wrongs. If Jesus can forgive you for all the sins you made since you were born and those you make after forgiving you, why can’t you do the same?

Love has no status nor a title. When you practice love, your title or status doesn’t matter because love is not full of pride nor is self seeking. Jesus left heaven to come to the earth to reconcile us with our Father, he became nothing though he had it all. He is a King of Kings, Lord of lords yet he didn’t let his title stop him from doing the will of God. Everything done out of love bears fruits and prospers. God multiplies and blesses it.

As a child of God, be led by love, be propelled by love to do good. Let love be the ultimate reason you help others. May God bless you.

By Teboho Masakala (C)
Inspired by Mr Thami Kankalane and Prophet Michael Voyiya
Copyright: Teboho Masakala (C)

Monday 29 May 2017

The Grace of God is not a licence for Immorality (Inspired by Jude 1:4)

The Grace of God is not a licence for Immorality (Inspired by Jude 1:4)

By Teboho Masakala

If the is one thing God has showed his love for us is by his grace. Through his grace he has shown mercy and his love. However the are some people who plays with the same grace and use it as a license to commit immorality.

Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ keep sinning and hiding behind the grace of God knowing that God is a loving Father who will keep forgiving them no matter how many times they backslide. Some intentionally engage in immoral acts knowing that  God will forgive them when they repent.

The are many stories of bad things done by our brothers and sisters in Christ and how they have lured the weak to commit evil acts using the name of the Lord. Some “Men of God” have made news headlines for committing evil acts using the name of the Lord.

They hide behind the name of Jesus and has used it to dupe innocent people and so doing used it as a license to commit immorality. Because of their acts, some people have lost faith in Christianity resulting in souls being  lost for Christ.

As  children of God, Jesus died for us and was crucified so that  we can get God’s grace. It is by God’s grace that we can do some of the things that the world cannot do. His grace brings favour in our lives which brings blessings, prosperity and other good things. We must not abuse the grace of God and engage in immorality, by so doing we are crucifying Christ all over again and denying him.

We need to watch how we live. We must not use the grace of God as a license to immorality. Just because our sins has been forgiven and we are born again doesn’t mean we should do as we please and behave recklessly.

Jesus didn’t die for nothing, his death enabled God to have  mercy on us and gave us his grace. If we engage in immorality we are denying Christ because he died so that we cannot be slaves to sin but to have life and have it abundantly. His death reconciled us to God our Father and being called his children is the most beautiful thing ever.

God is watching us always, he never sleeps. You may do things in secret or far away from people just to protect your image but you cannot hide anything from God. He see’s everything including what’s in your heart. Don’t think because people don’t see you when you  engage  in immorality God doesn’t. He sees  you and you will answer to him and not people. Fear God than people.

Do not take the grace of God for granted. Don’t abuse it because any day can be your last day on earth and you don’t want to die having lost this precious gift. Thank God for his grace in your life because  It is because of it that you are alive.
It is because of it that you have a job, parents, money, friends, wife/husband, children and all you have.

The Grace of God is not a licence for Immorality (Inspired by Jude 1:4)

By Teboho Masakala (C) 

Monday 15 May 2017



By Teboho Masakala 

All of us has that moment where we feel like giving up. Where we try all to keep ahead but when that too fails we feel that the only option is to succumb and give up our dreams.  Life can be astonishing at times. When you plan your dreams, goals and how you want your life to be,   it unexpectedly pelts  a bomb at you and things end up so bad you end up thinking you are bewitched or someone is Jealous of you.

If you are still alive, do not give up. Being alive shows you still have a chance to dream and  plan your goals. The are four seasons in a year, each season has its own changes. When it is winter, the are changes that not only affect you but also the climate.

Don’t you know that all things work together for those who love the Lord? (Romans 8:28)  Do not give up because until God says it’s over, it is not over yet!  They can laugh at you when you are going through hard times and call you names, pointing fingers and saying all kinds of horrible things about you but do not worry because when your season comes, those who shunned you will be shamed.
God cannot give you dreams and ability to have vision and then take that away from you. Whatever you are going through it is just temporary, it is there to refine you, teach you and prepare you for what lies ahead.

So don’t look at your situation or whatever you are going through as a curse but see God in it and no matter how painful it is, God is planning something better for you and after conquering. The pain you  passed through will one day be a lesson to someone.

So whatever people say about you, do not mind or show that you care because it is not over Until God says so. As long as the is life in you, you must not give up. Let them laugh at you, they are people and will always talk but your season is coming and when it comes, God will shame all of them.

God will never let you as his child to suffer and whatever you are going through, he is with you and when your season comes he shall bring smiles, joy and you shall see his hand upon you and you will never go back because when it is time for your season that God brings. Your life will change and you shall never look  back.

Hold on to God, it is not over yet. No matter the pain you going through it is not over yet and you shall conquer because great is God in you than the devil in the world. Pursue your dreams, follow your heart because it is not over yet until God says so.

By Teboho Masakala       
Copyright: Teboho Masakala(c) 

Monday 17 April 2017

The word of God is a Mirror: (inspired by James 1:23-24)

The word of God is a Mirror: (inspired by James 1:23-24)

By Teboho Masakala

The word of God is like a mirror, the mirror is used to see if all is in order and to spot mistakes. When you use the mirror,you take time to carefully see if your hair is combed or your face is ok. The mirror assures you that all is in order.

That is the same with the word of God, we use it to introspect our ways and see if we still walking in line with God’s commandments. The word of God corrects, rebukes, corrects, disciplines and gives life.

It guides and   directs us on the path we have to take. As much as the mirror is an important part of our  everyday lives, the word of God is life, when you are in trouble it calms you and instructs  you to have faith in God.

When you use a mirror, it helps you to spot mistakes which others will notice but not yourself. The word of God points at mistakes we do not notice. We may think we are walking according to the word of God only to find the  are certain things we have done wrong but if we look carefully into the word of God, it helps us to spot the mistakes we have done without us noticing.

The mirror doesn’t judge how you look but helps you fix mistakes. All people are welcomed to use it; the word of God does not judge us but helps us fix our mistakes. Everyone is welcomed to study the word of God.

Ladies spent a lot of time in front of the mirror putting on make up and making sure they look good. The more time they spend in front of the mirror the more their confidence builds up, it helps them to pay attention to details.

This also applies to the word of God, you need to spend a lot of time on the word of God, it will give you a direction. The more time you spend on the word of God the more peace you will have and your life will change. You will be able to face storms, rejoice in pain and be comforted in times of distress, while other people will panic during trials and tribulations; you will rejoice giving God the Glory and thanking him to for the blessings after passing tribulations.

Spending  time on the word of God will increase  the favour of God in your life. You will know how God operates, what he loves and hates. You will be closer to God and believe what he says, through the word of God, you will see that it is God breathed and  gives life. Your faith will be strengthened.  It resurrects even those who had gave up.

As much as ladies spent more time in front of the mirror than when they bath, also spend time on the word Of God. After using the mirror, you look once again to see if all is in order and if you look the way you wanted, after getting the satisfaction you wanted, you are ready to face the word. Even when people compliment you, you will reply with a smile knowing that you first looked at the mirror and what people are complimenting you for is what you already know.

This applies to the word of God. When people see the favour of God in your life, you will rejoice because you already know where the source of your happiness comes from. When they shower you with praise  complimenting you, you will be rest assured that the word of God complimented you first and what people say will be in agreement with it.

The word of God is important for guidance . As long as we are alive, we need it as it completes us. It comforts us in times of trouble, it is a mirror for our lives. We need to look at it to introspect our lives. Study and meditate upon it. It will change your life.

By Teboho Masakala

Copyright (c) ; Teboho Masakala

Friday 7 April 2017

God knows the right “Soul mate” for you

God knows the right “Soul mate” for you

by Teboho Masakala

One of the mistakes we do when looking for a Soul mate’s is not relying on God to choose the best for us but instead we make our own choices and when those people disappoint us, we tend to blame God and blame him for the wrong choice of partners we ourselves chose.

When looking for someone to marry. Pray and ask God to show you the real one for you. The one after God’s own heart, someone who will love you unconditionally and not because you are handsome/beautiful or your material possession.

When looking for a partner, don’t go for looks because they can be deceiving. A person may look good on the outside but a monster inside. Don’t go for the status or wealth of the person because when they perish, they may perish along with your love or the person might leave you as what he/she wanted will be gone and you will be left all one.

Material possessions perish and you need someone who will be with you through thick and thin. Someone who will love you even when you don’t have a cent in your bank account. Someone who will lift you up when you are down and is prepared to start a family with you and be your husband or wife.

You cannot be a boyfriend or girlfriend in a relationship forever. Somewhere along the way you will need your Soul mate to commit and choosing the right person is key. For you to know which one is the right one for you, you need to solely rely on God. Go down in prayer and ask God to show you the qualities you need in a person and if the person is what he or she says they are.

You need to go down on your knees and have faith in God that he will choose the person that will make you happy, marry you, commit to you and able to love you till death separates you. So many people are in  loveless marriages and relationships because they were in such a hurry to get into the relationship without asking God if they were making the right choices.

Some are stuck in loveless relationships and marriages for the sake of their children, parents and wealth to mention a few or because they don’t want to be seen as failures. If they can introspect themselves, they will see that failure to wait on God and trust him for a Soul mate caused their misery of being in a loveless marriage or relationship.

Some have missed their Soul mates because they were busy chasing after girls with beautiful faces and guys with six-packs  and money while the right people for them where just next door or they dumped them. When the tables turns, they regret and wish to turn back the hands of time but it will be too late. You make your bed, you lie in it.  

Don’t be in a hurry. Have faith in God to give you someone who will make you their own and love you. Someone who will pick you up when you are down, who will cry with you and always strive to make you happy against all odds. Marriage is a God created institution. He wants only the best for us.
Don’t take someone else’s partner and think they will be your soul mate, they will never be no matter how you try to buy their love with money and gifts. If God says they are not yours they are not. Yours is being prepared specially for you by God.

God wants you to share your life with someone who won’t cheat on you, beat you or abuse you emotionally.

So wait on God. Don’t hurry because of age or peer pressure but learn to wait on the Lord. Trust him and believe he is able to give you a woman or man after his own heart and your heart. He knows what you want and he will surely give it to you. To God be the Glory

By Teboho Masakala