Wednesday, 30 January 2019

You are Unique. Love yourself

By Teboho Masakala

The will never be another you. The will never be someone created in your image, character or behaviour. God created you unique and made you to be different and you don’t need people to make you feel complete or loved.

You don’t need to unnecessarily stress yourself about what people say about you. Your body shape, shoe size or anything about you is unique and you don’t need people’s stamp of approval about yourself. You need to love yourself the way you are and be proud of yourself.

God created every individual unique for a reason. He created our body shapes differently for a reason and nothing said or done will change that. Some people feel so much offended by the curses that comes from the lips of the immature they take it seriously forgetting that people are not creators but only God is.

Never change anything about yourself. If people claim to love you they need to love you the way you are, you don’t need to jump over a mountain to make people happy. Don’t allow people make you miserable because of the way God created you, never allow people to belittle you.

Don’t lose sleep over words that mean nothing. Curses become active when you give them time and space but if you ignore them they vanish. They mean nothing so you don’t need to care about what people say about you.

Your environment or background doesn’t determine your destiny so are people’s words but its only you who determines your own destiny. Stop buying love and friendship just because you want to fit in while inside you end up being miserable. You need to first love yourself, love the way you were created as you are made in the image of God and nothing said by people shall erase that.

You were not a mistake when God created you. Every body part in you carved by God is a blessing and has a purpose so don’t let the media, celebrities, fame, pressure or anyone define your beauty or who you are. You are unique and beautiful. True beauty lies within and is not determined by the appearance.

The are many handsome and beautiful people yet their hearts are as hard as a stone. The are beautiful women yet their hearts harbour evil and greed. Never let people decide who you can be and cannot be because you are a child of God and he loves you.

Appreciate your uniqueness in spite of everything, disabled or not, rich or not it doesn’t matter. We are all created in the image of the Almighty God who appreciates our uniqueness and loves us as we are. You are Unique. Love yourself.

My mentor and inspiration Mrs Dee once said to me “If you don’t love yourself no one will”
Love yourself because indeed if you don’t no one will do that for you.
Copyright: Teboho Masakala

Friday, 11 January 2019



Teboho Masakala

Don’t ever live your life to please others. Please are never satisfied in this world. Some people go to various lengths just to see others happy while they are dying inside and it is not worth it to put other people before yourself or prioritise their happiness before yours.

Happiness starts with you. If you don’t free yourself from whatever controls you no one will so never allow anyone to have control over your life. Some people are dead today  while some are depressed because of trying so much to be what they are not in the name of impressing people.  Some are today living with regrets.

People will never be pleased. Whatever you do you cannot please everyone and even if you do it cannot be on your expense or the expense of your life and happiness. You need to put yourself first and consider your happiness because no one will.

You only have one shot at life and you don’t want to live a life of regrets. Some people try to buy people with their money or whatever material possession they see fit hoping to get the same in return but end up getting disappointed.

No amount of money can give you the kind of happiness you want, it all starts with you. Find whatever makes you happy and stick to it. If its travelling, volunteering or whatever you do that makes you happy stick to it and let it bring you inner peace and inner joy. Joy that cannot be stolen by anyone.

Every time a second ticks on the clock or an hour pass, you are getting older, every second, minutes or hours that pass, you are getting older and time wasted will never be regained. 

You don’t want to live a life of regrets because of trying to impress people.

You cannot please everyone all the time, people are unpredictable, only God knows their mind and hearts because he created them and created their every brain cell, as such he knows how they think and how manipulative they can be.

Enjoy your life, be free as a bird don’t allow people to control  your life, don’t allow anyone to belittle you. Have power and control over your life, you hold the key to your happiness. God loves you and created you in his image and he will never leave nor forsake you. Enjoy life and be free.

Copyright: Teboho Masakala (c)