Friday, 14 July 2017

Create Your Own Happiness

Create Your Own Happiness

By Teboho Masakala (C) 

Mr and Mrs Masakala (#Team Masakala)

Create your own happiness! You cannot rely on people to make you happy when only yourself knows the kind of happiness you want. We waste too much of our precious time trying to fit in with wrong crowds just to be happy.

If it’s not that, we go all out to make other people happy, hoping buying their happiness will make us feel better but nope, it doesn’t while in fact it shows what length desperation can make us go just to be happy.

Other people even impress their boyfriends and girlfriends in search of happiness thinking that will free them from the chains of sadness and be accepted by those they are trying to impress but that in turn does more harm than its intended purpose.

Why can’t we see that only we can create our own happiness? If we don’t no one else will. Create your own happiness wherever you are and don’t wait for people to do that for you because that comes at a price if you allow them.

Who said you can’t be happy on your own and need people to be? Life is too short, you need to be happy.

Appreciate the little you have: Appreciate the little you have and be content with your life. Don’t try too hard to impress people but let what you have satisfy you. Asking for help sometimes can invite enemies in your life. The little you have can bring happiness if you are content with what you have.

Mind your own business: What other people does or say doesn’t concern you at all. Forget about them and focus on your own life and how you can reach your dreams. Being in other people’s life and affairs can derail your own life resulting in you being caught in unnecessary drama. Learn to keep your mouth shut and also learn to say no. Saying no can save you. Minding your own business can bring happiness as you won’t be caught in other people’s drama.

Money:  No matter the little you have, use it to be happy, go on a tour, cruise or throw a party. Take a tour and see the beauty of our country. You don’t need billions to be happy, it’s not how much you have that counts, but what you do with what you have.

Save a little every month and after saving enough, do what you have always wanted with your money. You work hard for your money, let it bring you happiness! Reward the body that works hard for it.

The Bible: The Word of God will give you peace and strength. Read it whenever you are feeling down. It will rejuvenate your spirit.

Music: Music can heal and soothe a broken heart. Playing your favourite song can ease or remove stress. It can change your emotions and comfort you when you are down. So go ahead and play music and see how it can change your life, when you are sad play a song that will heal you.  In your car sing along to the words of the song as by so doing you can relieve tension and stress.

Family: Spend time with your family. Cook a good meal, invite them over and reminisce about the good old days while growing up. They can make you laugh and help you bond with your family.

Negativity: Bad company corrupts good character. Stay away from negative people, they will hold you back. Surround yourself with “like-minded people”, people who have same ambition and dreams as you. A Lion walks with Lions and not with cows.

Create your own happiness.

By Teboho Masakala (C)