Sunday, 20 November 2016

Jesus loves you no matter what

Jesus loves you no matter what

By Teboho Masakala

The  are circumstances which makes us want to give up in life. Life situations so complicated  that giving up seems to be the only way out or temporary solution to the problem. No matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you lose know that Jesus loves you no matter what.
You might have recently broken up with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend and husband and see as if the is no way to happiness or is the end of the road for you. No matter how hard it is after breaking up with the love of your life, always know that Jesus loves you no matter what!

Don’t blame God when things don’t go well for you but know that he loves you no matter what. You may be unemployed or lost your job  and wondering where money for your children’s school fees, food or clothes will come from, or wondering how  you are going to survive after losing your job. No matter what know that Jesus loves you, losing your job ain’t the end of the world because God will make a way out for you. He loves you no matter what.

Don’t be deceived by people telling you to blame God or ask him endless questions when in trouble. This happens mostly to children of God who feel down when things dont go their way or feel like God has abandoned them. No! Jesus loves you no matter what and the situation you are in wont break you or will he let it destroy you.

Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise. All things work together for good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Even in the hardships you find yourself in, Jesus loves you no matter what.

You may be poor or been hospitalised for so long nurses has become your friends and the hospital your second home. Your illness may cloud your judgement and leave you in despair, so much that you even don’t see yourself getting healed but even in that hardship, Jesus love you no matter what.
God often let us go through hardships to strengthen  and make us see his love for us. He let us pass through the fire so that we can be better people, not because he hates us, because he wants the best for us and  to teach us something through those hardship we pass.
Jesus loves us, no matter what. His love for us shall never end.

By Teboho Masakala

Friday, 11 November 2016



By Teboho Masakala

We live in a world full of pretenders and people who promises heaven and earth to others, some promise to be there for you till eternity but some change their tune either too early, late or when the going gets tough.

Never worry when you are let down, that’s a learning curve to see life in another way, to see if you have true friends or family. Too see who you can trust and to open your eyes to not trust easily. You may have expected your boyfriend to marry you after making a baby for him. Or your girlfriend might have promised to never leave you but soon changed when things became hard for you, don’t worry because being let down is part of life but it’s how you see it and learn from it that will get you to  stand up and move forward.

Some people may let you down intentionally or unintentionally, but still find ways to learn something from the whole experience. Sometimes you are let down because of the faith you have in people close to you or those you love. Too much expectations  can let you down. Expecting too much on its own can be harmful so never expect more than you aiming for nor expect the unexpected because you can be let down.

Various reasons exists for being let down but fix your eyes on God who will never let you down. If you have God in you, you cease to worry nor expecting unnecessarily  and can’t  shed a tear because of being let down.

Jesus was deserted by Peter and the disciples but he didn’t worry nor complain when he returned to them after his resurrection, instead Peter saw what he did by denying Lord Jesus was wrong and wept when he remembered his verbatim about denying him.

Sometimes you need to be let down so that those who wronged you can see how wrong they are to let you down. Depending on how you look at it, an opportunity can rise from being let down, a wrong can be corrected and you can be more stronger and confident than ever. Fix your eyes on Jesus who will never let you down. 

By Teboho Masakala