The best time to Praise God
By Teboho Masakala
The best time of praising God is not only when you are happy nor thankful for all he did for you, the best time to say thank you God is not when all is ok and you feeling the warmth of the sun. Nor is it the time you see things really happening for you.
But the best time to praise God is when you going through hardships. When nothing seems like it’s working or when you feel like hope is gone and you have no one to turn to, that is the best time to thank God, that is the best time to praise God when all odds are against you and the is no one to rescue you.
The best time is when you are feeling so lonely that even your best friends desert you. When times are tough, that is when God is more closer to you and that is the time his hand is stretched towards you looking to lift you up. That is also the time when his mercy is more sufficient for you because when you are weak is when you are strong and when God is more closer to you.
When life throws its hardships on you, don’t cry or see as if God has forsaken you because he hasn’t. It might seem as if he is silent and not hearing your prayers but he does that to enable you to listen to him and have more faith in him.
Never shed a tear when you are going through hardships, but thank God that he is doing something more powerful and great for your life. That is the time God wants to show you his might and that he hasn’t forsaken you but fighting for you, that is the time when God’s love for you is more stronger than ever, his hand protecting you.
Jesus Christ, the King of Kings loves you, don’t think he has forsaken you, don’t let the circumstances you face at the time blind you from seeing the true love of God. You may be going through the loss of your loved one but don’t think God doesn’t care about you or is far away from you or caused the loss of the loved one, but see God about to do greater things for the good of your life.
Remember in all things God works for good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Never stop praising God, show God that you love him and have faith in him no matter the pain you are going through nor hardships you facing. When you feel helpless and weary, that is the time you need to rely more on prayer and rely more on God. Never stop praising God, the best time to praise Him is when you facing hardships. Trust God always. Rely on prayer.
By Teboho Masakala
COPYRIGHT(C) Teboho Masakala