Sunday, 20 November 2016

Jesus loves you no matter what

Jesus loves you no matter what

By Teboho Masakala

The  are circumstances which makes us want to give up in life. Life situations so complicated  that giving up seems to be the only way out or temporary solution to the problem. No matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you lose know that Jesus loves you no matter what.
You might have recently broken up with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend and husband and see as if the is no way to happiness or is the end of the road for you. No matter how hard it is after breaking up with the love of your life, always know that Jesus loves you no matter what!

Don’t blame God when things don’t go well for you but know that he loves you no matter what. You may be unemployed or lost your job  and wondering where money for your children’s school fees, food or clothes will come from, or wondering how  you are going to survive after losing your job. No matter what know that Jesus loves you, losing your job ain’t the end of the world because God will make a way out for you. He loves you no matter what.

Don’t be deceived by people telling you to blame God or ask him endless questions when in trouble. This happens mostly to children of God who feel down when things dont go their way or feel like God has abandoned them. No! Jesus loves you no matter what and the situation you are in wont break you or will he let it destroy you.

Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise. All things work together for good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Even in the hardships you find yourself in, Jesus loves you no matter what.

You may be poor or been hospitalised for so long nurses has become your friends and the hospital your second home. Your illness may cloud your judgement and leave you in despair, so much that you even don’t see yourself getting healed but even in that hardship, Jesus love you no matter what.
God often let us go through hardships to strengthen  and make us see his love for us. He let us pass through the fire so that we can be better people, not because he hates us, because he wants the best for us and  to teach us something through those hardship we pass.
Jesus loves us, no matter what. His love for us shall never end.

By Teboho Masakala

Friday, 11 November 2016



By Teboho Masakala

We live in a world full of pretenders and people who promises heaven and earth to others, some promise to be there for you till eternity but some change their tune either too early, late or when the going gets tough.

Never worry when you are let down, that’s a learning curve to see life in another way, to see if you have true friends or family. Too see who you can trust and to open your eyes to not trust easily. You may have expected your boyfriend to marry you after making a baby for him. Or your girlfriend might have promised to never leave you but soon changed when things became hard for you, don’t worry because being let down is part of life but it’s how you see it and learn from it that will get you to  stand up and move forward.

Some people may let you down intentionally or unintentionally, but still find ways to learn something from the whole experience. Sometimes you are let down because of the faith you have in people close to you or those you love. Too much expectations  can let you down. Expecting too much on its own can be harmful so never expect more than you aiming for nor expect the unexpected because you can be let down.

Various reasons exists for being let down but fix your eyes on God who will never let you down. If you have God in you, you cease to worry nor expecting unnecessarily  and can’t  shed a tear because of being let down.

Jesus was deserted by Peter and the disciples but he didn’t worry nor complain when he returned to them after his resurrection, instead Peter saw what he did by denying Lord Jesus was wrong and wept when he remembered his verbatim about denying him.

Sometimes you need to be let down so that those who wronged you can see how wrong they are to let you down. Depending on how you look at it, an opportunity can rise from being let down, a wrong can be corrected and you can be more stronger and confident than ever. Fix your eyes on Jesus who will never let you down. 

By Teboho Masakala 

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Be Grateful for the little you have.

Be Grateful for the little you have.

By Teboho Masakala (c)

We live in times were people are ungrateful and full of complains all the time. The times were  people do not appreciate the little they have. We want more and when we do get more we seek even more!
Learn to appreciate the little you have. You may have a single pair of shoes, love them, take good care of them and always appreciate them because the is someone in Asia or Brazil who has none, who would kill to have the very same pair of shoes you want to get rid off because you are tired of being seen wearing the same shoes every day. Know that the is a kid somewhere in the world who walk barefooted to school.

While you cry for branded shoes, clothes and want to “Fit in with the crowd” know that someone out there  wishes to have what you have. Someone out there wishes their parents could buy them those shoes or clothes you want to throw away because  you are complaining that they are not branded or doesn’t suit your style.

Appreciate and love your parents, some people don’t know the face of their parents except for the photo memories  they are left with if they are lucky as some don’t know how their mothers looked like! Tell your parents how much you love them because they won’t be around forever . Show them you love them while they are still alive than waiting for them to be six feet under to buy them expensive coffin and tombstones. That’s not love, you can’t show love to dead people, they don’t know it, but the living knows how it is to be loved.

Stop complaining about eating certain type of food everyday and forcefully demanding   variety. Look at the street kids and those in orphanages, they would love to eat have what you complaining about. They would do anything just to taste what you called irritating, boring or dull. Learn to appreciate it.

Appreciate life, don’t live your life on the fast lane, yes you only live once but don’t ruin your life or drink yourself to stupor just to fit in. Life is a gift from God that needs to be appreciated. It is a gift that comes only once and you don’t want to live with regrets on how you wasted your life as a young person.

Look around you, your neighbours, friends and those who are less fortunate. See how blessed you are to have what you have. It is not about having money nor does it bring happiness. No, being content with what you have will make God bless you even more because of you appreciating what he gave you. If you can be faithful with the little you have, surely God can trust you with mammoth things.
Appreciate the little you have, don’t take it for granted or you will regret later in your life.

By Teboho Masakala(C)

Copyright: Teboho Masakala

Monday, 24 October 2016

Have an intimate relationship with God

Have an intimate relationship with God

By Teboho Masakala (C)

The is nothing more joyful, exciting and moving like having a personal relationship with God, experiencing him on a personal level and knowing that you can pour your heart to him.  Some people may prefer to have personal relationships with their spouses or parents but choosing to have an intimate personal relationship with God is the best ever.

When you are intimate with God, you can hear him, feel him and can run to him whenever the odds are against you. He can be the first point of contact when you want to talk. Many people know about God but only few have a personal relationship with him. Many want blessings, cars, financial breakthrough or whatever they can get from God but few wants to experience him on a personal level and get to know him more and more as a true living Father, Mightier than ever.

When you have a relationship with God, he comes in your heart and you develop a strong bond with him. So much that you come to realize that he is the father you have always wanted, a father more protecting and loving than the earthly ones. You will never feel sorry in your heart or see misfortune in your life when you have a strong intimate relationship with God.

Our Father doesn’t want more from us, he just  want us to give our hearts to him. He wants all of us to see heaven and be with him and how great it is to start now to experience him on a personal level!!. Asking for blessings from God is not bad nor wrong but for once, just put that aside and tell him that you want to know him, experience him, feel him and see him in a way you have never imagined.

Jesus had a strong relationship with our Father and we too should strive to be like Jesus and copy the strong relationship he had with his Father. You will never worry when God is in control, you will sleep like a baby knowing that he is in control. Knowing that your life is in his hands. Have a personal relationship with God, you will never regret your decision. It is the best ever to make.

By Teboho Masakala

Copyright: Teboho Masakala

Photocredits: Ministry to and

Friday, 9 September 2016

The best time to Praise God

The best time to Praise God

By Teboho Masakala

The best time of praising God is not only when you are happy nor thankful for all he did for you, the best time to say thank you God is not when all is ok and you feeling the warmth of the sun. Nor is it the time you see things really happening for you.

But the best time to praise God is when you going through hardships. When nothing seems like it’s working or when you feel like hope is gone and you have no one to turn to, that is the best time to thank God, that is the best time to praise God when all odds are against you and the is no one to rescue you.

The best time is when you are feeling so lonely that even your best friends desert you. When times are tough, that is when God is more closer to you and that is the time his hand is stretched towards you looking to lift you up. That is also the time when his mercy is more sufficient for you because when you are weak is when you are strong and when God is more closer to you.

When life throws its hardships on you, don’t cry or see as if God has forsaken you because he hasn’t. It might seem as if he is silent and not hearing your prayers but he does that to enable you to listen to him and have more faith in him.

Never shed a tear when you are going through hardships, but thank God that he is doing something more powerful and great for your life. That is the time God wants to show you his might and that he hasn’t forsaken you but fighting for you, that is the time when God’s love for you is more stronger than ever, his hand protecting you.

Jesus Christ, the King of Kings loves you, don’t think he has forsaken you, don’t let the circumstances you face at the time blind you from seeing the true love of God. You may be going through the loss of your loved one but don’t think God doesn’t care about you or is far away from you or caused the loss of the loved one,  but see God about to do greater things for the good of your life.

Remember in all things God works for good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.  Never stop praising God, show God that you love him and have faith in him no matter the pain you are going through nor hardships you facing. When you feel helpless and weary,  that is the time you need to rely more on prayer  and rely more on God. Never stop praising God, the best time to praise Him is when you facing hardships.  Trust God always. Rely on prayer.

By Teboho Masakala
COPYRIGHT(C) Teboho Masakala

Friday, 24 June 2016

Temptation and a Moment of Weakness

by Teboho Masakala

At one stage of our lives, we have found ourselves faced with a moment of weakness. Weakness that either changed our entire life or nearly destroyed it. Weakness if left alone can cause havoc in our lives. Many men and women have lost their loved ones because they couldn’t control themselves in a moment of weakness that later came back to haunt them.

We live in a world that is full of temptation, temptation so visible it’s hard to ignore it. Some men became so weak seeing half clad women that they compromised their standards, morals and forgot about their families and chased every skirt the is out-there while some women got so tempted by money that they not only sold their soul for it but compromised themselves just not to be seen as weak by their peers or just to fit in with the crowd.

Temptation is the first battle that needs to be won if one wants to conquer a moment of weakness. It starts with temptation. Temptation starts simple, as a joke, entertaining something seen innocent but later as it develops it becomes problematic leading to dire consequences. Temptation is like a small tree that just been planted, the more you water it the more it grows and if left uncontrolled, it grows higher, to a height so high that it becomes impossible to stop. From its roots up to branches, it becomes so strong and the only way to stop it is to either uproot it or to strategize how best to stop it.

Familiarize yourself with the importance of self-control, temptation can lead to your fall. Men in history has lost their families and wives due to not being able to control themselves and gave in to a moment of weakness. Men and women have unplanned babies as a result of temptation disguised as fun or one night stands which at the end caused them their dreams and some their whole life.

Some are six-feet under due to a moment of weakness that cost their lives. Some died after sleeping with beautiful women and handsome men who looked “cute” and mesmerizing on the outside while carrying diseases which are unfortunately invisible to the naked eyes. A moment of weakness has vanished promising careers.

The sad part is temptation and weakness knows no race nor does it choose  based on your level of intelligence, it targets even the intelligent and only self-control can help annihilate temptation. Staying true to yourself and knowing what you want and being focused can help.

Look around you and see the destruction caused by weakness. You may be doing something in secret assuming that no one see’s you but God does and by doing that, you have allowed temptation to creep in and when it does it leads to weakness. Some men has lost their top jobs as they couldn’t close their trousers zips, they allowed a moment of weakness to define them.

Don’t get carried away seeing people destroying their lives in the name of having fun and doing all sorts of crazy things. Be focused, if you are married, be faithful to your partner. If you are struggling with peer pressure seek help. Whatever you do stay away from anything that will lead you to temptation. Don’t lose your life over stupid things. Life is precious. You only get one chance in life to live, once dead the will be no more you. Not even a clone of yourself can be you.

God can help you overcome your weakness. Your life is in your hands. God can change your life.

By Teboho Masakala
Photo Credit: Teboho Masakala

Monday, 16 May 2016

Masakala's 7th book is out!

Teboho Masakala has a new book titled DE MA PLUME, the book has two parts with part 1 having short stories and part two is a full novel. the 88-page book shows how versatile Masakala is as in one book the is a novel and short stories all in one book!

Masakala was introduced into the Free State Literary fraternity in 2009 with his impressive short story "If only i listened". He was mentored by respected writer Omoseye Bolaji who marveled and was captivated by Masakala's amazing talent.

De Ma Plume is Masakala's seventh book. in the book he tackles the recent hot trending topic in  South Africa currently which is racism and in the novel in the book, he describes in detail how it ends and its dangers using the protagonist Marcus Desmond who finds his dream blocked by his racist mothers and does the unpredictable thing to get his dream back.

The writer from Thaba Nchu said he wont stop writing as writing is not only his passion and talent but lives in his blood. The book costs R130, to get a copy of this impressive well written book contact Teboho Masakala on 0781245396 

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Teboho Masakala Publishes 7th book.

Teboho Masakala, a young man from Thaba Nchu has published his 7th book titled DE MA PLUME.
The author from Thaba Nchu already has 6 books he penned namely Mind,Pen,Paper and Ideas (2010)
Through it All (2011) The Fall of Marcus Desmond (2012) The Spiritual Corner (2013), Shout to the Lord (2014) and R.E.D (Restoring Everything Damaged)(2015).

Masakala fell in love with the world of letters while at Selosesha Primary
and Goronyane high school in Thaba Nchu and has never looked back and and followed his passion for writing and  started publishing short stories in local newspapers which can also be accessed on google.

DE MA PLUME is a two part book which part 1 is short stories and part 2 is a full novel. Masakala said his readers has been demanding short stories and novel from him as he did in the beginning. His impressive short stories earned him alot of respect from respected writer Omoseye Bolaji and made the literary fraternity marvel and praise his talent and praising his unique creativity.

Bongiwe Kankalane inspires Masakala and often encourages him on what direction to take when writing.

"I don't regard myself as an author but a writer as I'm versatile and can write about almost everything. I can come up with a good plot in anytime, any situation can make me create a beautiful story"

"My readers of my past 6 books have been asking me for a long time to write a novel and short stories which i did and put them in one book. I respect my readers alot"  said Masakala
The book cost R130, to get a copy of the book contact Teboho Masakala on 078 1245 396, or facebook "Teboho Masakala" instagram: Teboho Masakala

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Never hurt the one you love

Never hurt the one you love © 

by Teboho Masakala


Often we make terrible mistakes that ends up hurting the most people we care about. At the time of the mistakes we do. We are blinded and don’t see anything wrong. We enjoy the temporary feeling of triumph during the mistake not evening thinking about the “Every Dog has its day” phrase as by that time it ends up not existing as the temporarily feeling of stupidity clouds our judgment.

However it is not wise to hurt the one you love or people you hold dearly in your heart. Once they are hurt the is not return. Some might leave you and the stupid caused by the weak moment can cause you a life time headache and heart break.

Don’t ever try do something thinking it will remain concealed forever as nothing remains hidden under the sun like the bible say. Some allow friends to dictate them. They lower their standard to satisfy their friends and make them see themselves superior at the time as they don’t want to be seen as weak by their so called friends and as such they end up making stupid mistakes that hurt their loved one.

What is sad the most when the very same people are forever rejected and out-casted by their loved ones and friends are nowhere to be seen. The very same friends who pressurized them make costly mistakes are on the run and even complain that “no one can force a person a grown up man/woman” to do something they don’t want to do. Forgetting that their influence played a role in getting you rejected by your loved ones and ending up hurting them.

Time to decide what’s important in your life and stop taking what’s dear to your heart for granted. Time for some self-introspection and to see if is it really worth it to hurt the one you love?. The one who really was there for you when no one was? That very same person who is willing to throw themselves under the bus for you? The very same people who is called names and rejected by many. Who tries by all means to make you happy and always see you happy.

The very people who is not ashamed to be seen with you and show the word how proud they are to be with you and let their love for you to be seen by the whole world and to let them know how much you mean to them?

Never hurt the one you love or you will end up regretting for the rest of your life. Once you hurt the one you love. The is no return as you may never know how they will reach. Show that you value the one who love you. Show them how much they mean to you and let every second that passes worth all it is to them. Show them that every minute counts and how you want to spent those minutes with them.

Don’t wait till it is very late. You don’t not know how much time you are left with to show them your genuine love. Don’t wait for hot tears to come down your cheeks to really see what you have lost. Never hurt the one you love. Cherish every moment you have with them. Cut all ties with all that seems as a threat to them. Even if it can be your best friends let them go, friends come and go. Don’t let them destroy the beautiful thing you have. Let love reign in your heart for the one you love. No one can triumph over the power of love but love always wins. Never hurt the one you love

By Teboho Masakala©
Copyright Teboho Masakala
Photo Credits: Teboho Masakala

Super Sunday by Christ Embassy Church in Thaba Nchu

The Christ Embassy Church in Thaba Nchu invites you to their Super Sunday which will be held on 10 April at their premises in Thaba Nchu. They invite all people to witness the power of God. 

Visit them at their address Joseph Street Opposite Peter Car Repairs or call the numbers in the image for more info.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Remain humble and Get rid of Pride

By Teboho Masakala ©

Being humble doesn’t make you dull or an easy target for people to take you for granted.  Humility is one thing that will take you far. God uses the humble for his work and elevates them. He never uses prideful people because all they are and want is to boast to others and they depend on their might and will as if like it was them that made it possible to achieve the kind of success they have.

Many have been dethroned, lost their place in work, position of power or lost their loved ones due to pride and boasting. Pride will lead you to think that all you do is by your power and that you don’t need anyone. The more prideful you are the more you are slowly going down. Do not be deceived, God doesn’t work with pride but uses the bumble to shame the prideful.

In this world, people boast, whatever they have, money, cars or whatever material possession they may have they make it as if like it was their strength that accumulated all they have. Bragging on social media just to get a fading respect from people!

Yes a fading respect because once all they have vanish, people also vanish!!  Humility can take you places you never imagined you will. Fused with respect, the two can take you countries you never imagined you will be at. God uses the humble and elevates them.

Be it at a place of work, school or wherever you may be, stay humble. Don’t boast to anyone about what you have because it will lead to pride that will result in your downfall. Humbly let God be the one that will elevates you. Let what you do praise him more than this world. Many think bragging on social media will gain them respect not knowing it can attract both positive and negative.

Despite your success, wealth and all the good in your life, don’t be big headed and think it was by your might to have acquired your success. God can humble you and make you lose all you have. The Lord gives and he takes.

You cannot praise God when you are full of pride. It will be hard to do so, but remain humble, respect everyone and that alone can lead God to shower you with plenty rain of blessings. Graves are the saddest place ever because they have a testimony of those buried in them who were killed by pride. If graves could talk, they would tell and spew out of them those who died because of refusing to remain humble.

 Those who fought as their pride was at stake and as such didn’t want to lose it.
If graves could talk, they would narrate about those who totally refused to remain humble as they didn’t want to be undermined. They would advise those alive  how important it is to remain humble. Sadly they can’t talk.

Don’t be carried away by pride or material success. Put humility above all. Patrice Motsepe, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther (Lutheran Church founder) John Wesley (Methodist Church founder) Nathi Mankayi and others are examples of how higher humility can take you. God uses the humble and elevates them. Against all odds, remain humble.

By Teboho Masakala ©